It's the truth. I just takes that one word or sentence to get you past that awkward ..."Uh, Ive written myself into a corner", moment. And when that one page starts flowing, it's..magic. ;)
Keep writing, no matter what you do, how bad your day is, how tired you are, keep writing, even its if terrible. And it will be sometimes. But in the middle of all the rambling words on the page is a gem, that one phrase or action or spoken word, its there. It just needs a little polishing around the edges to smooth it out so it flows like a free flowing stream.'s what you wish you were doing when you aren't. The story is in your veins, flowing to your mind, inpatient to get out, we all just have to untangle the crowded conversations in our heads and weave them altogether to create something spectacular. SO..if today is a bad writing day for you, picture the pages you haven't written, the pages that bring you farther toward that time that you hold it all in your hands, the finished product, and can say with pride..I did this, I wrote this, this story...all from my extraordinary mind.
Write, its what your meant to do.
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Thank you for taking time to visit my blog. I hope you leave this page with a smile, or at least inspiration to keep writing...Go, Now, WRITE ;).