Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What's your muse for writing?


Although I can write amidst all the chaos at home--(toddlers and teens to be precise). My ideal environment is slapping on the headphones and blasting some great movie scores, along with Evanescence, Christina Perri..I could go on..Skyrim (though i don't play) also has a great soundtrack--as well as the classical composers. But I could spend hours listing all the inspirational music that sparks the flame in a writers mind, but I'd be writing this post for hours, and still wouldn't cover half of the options. What I really wanted to share is that when I'm in that mode, headphones and blasting music, I get lost in the story, especially if I really like the song playing. I picture the scenes in my head like I'm watching a film tick by, maybe I'm crazy. I've been known to talk about my characters as if they were real...I get the look, you know, the slight arch of the eyebrow from the boyfriend, or even worse, your teenage daughter.

My enthusiasm overcomes my mature responsible role as mother and  adult, especially if I think I nailed the last scene or had a revelation in the plot. I have, and probably will again, jumped up and down and eagerly tried to explain why everyone in the house should be as excited as me, that's when I usually get the look..I laugh as I'm writing this, because I honestly believe anyone that writes has those moments. Even if the excitement isn't shared by your victim - er family or friend, it's kind of like an acknowledgement, if i wasn't meant to do this, i wouldn't care what i just wrote, good or bad. And I care about both, it drives me to go further, excites me that at the end, I'll get to go back and untwine the story and mold it into what my mind sees. Here's to those wild moments of realization, and may they come often.



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