Saturday, May 31, 2014

Are you ready for Write Club?

Are you ready for Write Club?

Get your info here, submissions deadline is tonight at midnight!


Ive learned a lot in the 2 years...yes 2 whole years-- that I've been writing my manuscript. I've taken a lot of good advice and applied that to my writing. I get so excited about scenes that just pan out perfectly, other times I'm squeezing my forehead with my idle many extremes. But I trudge on and  think I've laid my story out quite well, even though it still isn't finished....back to the blinking cursor...I swear sometimes it's mocking me. 


Wednesday, May 28, 2014



Its time for Write Club! You can go here to get all the information if you decide to enter, and I highly recommend it ;). Good luck to everyone entering!

Sunday, May 25, 2014


My favorite part of writing my MS, is the revising. I tend to do this while writing, which I have to stop myself before it takes over and I never finish the MS to revise the end product. this point, the initial writing is done and the revising has begun. This is a good place for me to be, ive taken extra time to write the MS for about a year and a half, life, work, kids, all factor into that. But I think in the end, it has made me take my time with the precious minutes I have to sit down and concentrate on what story is being spun. I feel good about the writing, ive reread the whole MS after letting it sit, and it still amazes me. Goosebumps, anger, tears all come when they are supposed to. Ive learned alot about storytelling on the querytracker site, the infomation there is invaluable. Though ive yet to write my final query letter, that is one exercise I am putting off until it needs to be addressed. Write, write write - the best advice ive taken from anyone offering the tools to great writing.